
Information Sediment and Data Particles

Current thought conceptualises broad1 data as one layer of data overlaying another usually onto some base-data; the base-data being useful and referable to the user. These base-data may be absolute geographic coordinates, relative artefact coordinates — being eye-tracked say, or navigation pathways through websites. The key feature is that the base-data is a common dimension…

Search Gear Notes

Search Gear #20 Cleaning Up

Cleaning up those nasty files func (tw *twitter) cleanUp(entity string) (string, error) { if entity == “” { entity = “myHome” } cleanTime := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -2) fileName := strings.Join([]string{entity, “_”, cleanTime.Format(“2006-01-02”), “.json”}, “”) if err := os.Remove(fileName); err != nil { log.Println(“Failed to”, err) } return fileName, nil }   So why not have…

Search Gear Notes

Search Gear #19 Regular Expressions

func getItem(entries toml.Value) func() (string, error) { i := -1 return func() (string, error) { rExpression := regexp.MustCompile(“(-([A-Z]+|[A-Z]+[1-9])-)”) i += 1 if i < len(entries.AsArray()) { if rExpression.FindString(entries.AsArray()[i].AsString()) != "" { foundString := rExpression.FindString(entries.AsArray()[i].AsString()) switch foundString { case "-YY-": replaceWith := strconv.Itoa(time.Now().Year()) entity := rExpression.ReplaceAllLiteralString(entries.AsArray()[i].AsString(), replaceWith[2:4]) return entity, nil case "-YY1-": replaceWith := strconv.Itoa(time.Now().Year() +…

Open Notebook Entry

Hypertext Notes – Day 1, Keynote. Economic Complexity visualisation tools to support knowledge flow and prediction. Practical space as opposed to fundamental research. What do we know more based on the work? Seems to be that we can predict the economics of the future from the actuality of the past. And that the knowledge a country…